Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: RPRA Program and Registry Fees
Starting January 1, 2023, RPRA will collect 13% HST on all fees at the time of fee payment.
This decision is based on a ruling RPRA received from the CRA in which HST must be charged on its fees under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA). RPRA has determined that this ruling applies to all RRCEA producer responsibility programs and the Excess Soil and Hazardous Waste programs.
On December 22, 2022, RPRA will reissue invoices that were issued prior to January 1, 2023, amended to indicate that 13% HST was paid. From December 22 onwards, registrants will be able to access the amended invoices in their Registry accounts under a new tab labelled “Invoices”. The amended invoice will show an HST amount as well as the date the amended invoice was reissued.
Important notes:
- On the amended invoices there have been no changes to the Invoice Total and registrants will not be required to pay any additional monies to RPRA for past invoices.
- Registrants may be able to claim input tax credits for the HST collected on RPRA fees, for both the amended invoices and new invoices issued January 1, 2023, onwards. However, RPRA is not in a position to provide tax advice and suggests you consult your internal or external accountants to seek their counsel.
- All new invoices issued effective January 1, 2023, will contain appropriate information identifying the amount of the HST and other relevant details. These invoices will also be displayed under the “Invoices” tab in a registrants’ Registry account.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
If you select electronic data interchange (EDI) as your method of payment, this is an electronic payment through your bank, also commonly known as EFT or ACH.
Follow these steps to complete your payment:
- Submit your payment using RPRA’s banking information provided on your invoice.
- Be sure to reference your Invoice Number when you submit this payment to your bank so that we will be able to identify your payment.
Please note:
- Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
- Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
- It may take 1-2 weeks for your payment to be reflected in your Registry account once you have completed it.
If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at registry@rpra.ca or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
If you select cheque as your method of payment, follow these steps to complete your payment:
- Make your cheque payable to “Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority”
- Enter your Invoice Number on the memo line of the cheque
- Please send your cheque to*:
- Resource Productivity Recovery Authority
- PO Box 46114, STN A
- Toronto, ON
- M5W 4K9
*As of January 20, 2023, the address for mailing cheques to RPRA has been revised. Please update your records and send cheques to the above address going forward.
Please note:
- Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
- Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
- It may take 2-4 weeks for your payment to be reflected in your Registry account once you have mailed your cheque due to mail and cheque processing times.
If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at registry@rpra.ca or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
If you select electronic bill payment as your method of payment, this method of payment is done through your online banking account, using the bill payment functionality. It is available at major Canadian banks (e.g., TD, RBC, BMO, Scotiabank, etc.).
Follow these steps to complete your payment:
- Log in to your bank account.
- Go to the bill payment section and choose to add a payee.
- Search for and select “RPRA” as the payee.
- Once “RPRA” is selected, enter your registration number as the account number to make your payment. Your registration number can be found on your invoice.
Please note:
- Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
- Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
- It may take 1-2 weeks for your payment to be reflected in your Registry account once you have completed it.
If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at registry@rpra.ca or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
If you select bank withdrawal as your method of payment, this authorizes the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority to make a one-time withdrawal for the Registry invoice payment from the account you provided.
Bank Withdrawal – Important Terms:
- You have authorized RPRA to make one-time debits from your account. RPRA will obtain your authorization before any additional one-time or sporadic withdrawal is debited from your account. You have agreed that this confirmation may be provided at least three (3) calendar days before the first payment is withdrawn from your account. You have waived any and all requirements for pre-notification of the account being debited.
- Your payments are being made on behalf of a business.
- Your agreement may be cancelled provided notice is received thirty (30) days before the next withdrawal. If any of the above details are incorrect, please contact us immediately at the contact information below. If the details are correct, you do not need to do anything further and your Pre-Authorized Debits (PAD) will be processed. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with these terms. For example, you have the right to receive a reimbursement for any PAD that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your recourse rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.payments.ca.
Please note:
- Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
- Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
- It may take 1-2 weeks for the involved banks to process your payment.
If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at registry@rpra.ca or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
If you select credit card as your method of payment, this method of payment is done through your Registry account.
Follow these steps to complete your payment:
- When you are in the payment method section in the Registry, select credit card as your preferred method.
- Input your credit card details.
- Click submit and payment will process automatically.
Please note:
- Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
- Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
- Once your transaction has been approved, your payment will be reflected in your Registry account immediately.
If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at registry@rpra.ca or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.
Program: Excess SoilTopic: Registry
Projects initiated in 2022 that have continued into 2023 and meet the requirements to file a notice will be required to file as of January 1, 2023. This means that if your project began in 2022 and you are still moving excess soil as of January 1, 2023, you may be subject to the filing requirements.
Read our FAQ to see “Who need to file notices?“
Program: Excess SoilTopic: Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
No, users that filed notices in the Excess Soil Registry and paid the associated Registry fees before the temporary suspension came into effect on April 21, 2022, were complying with the necessary requirements of the regulation. Notices filed before the pause will continue to be recognized after January 1, 2023. No refunds will be issued.
Program: Excess SoilTopic: Registry
Please direct all questions related to the Registry to RPRA via registry@rpra.ca
Program: Excess SoilTopic: Registry
The Excess Soil Registry is a record of Excess Soil generation and movement established and maintained by the Authority to:
- enable regulated persons to comply with registration and notice filing requirements outlined in the regulation;
- enable the ministry access to notice filings and associated data; and
- enable public access to the information contained in notice filings.
Project Leaders, Reuse Site Owners or Operators, and Residential Development Soil Depot Operators, as defined in the Excess Soil Regulation, are required to ensure notices are filed to the Excess Soil Registry for certain Project Areas (where Excess Soil is generated), Reuse Sites (where Excess Soil is deposited), and Residential Development Soil Depot sites (where Excess Soil is temporarily placed).