Topic: PRO

Are Blue Box producers (or PROs on their behalf) required to provide printed promotion and education materials about Blue Box in English and French by mail to each eligible source (e.g., each Ontario household) at least once per year as of January 1, 2026?

While the Blue Box Regulation states the requirement for Blue Box producers or PROs to deliver printed promotion and education materials in English and French to eligible sources by mail at least once a year, many Ontario municipalities have stopped providing printed promotion and education materials to their residents in favour of electronic formats.

As long as Blue Box producers or Blue Box PROs continue to provide the same format of promotion and education materials as the Ontario municipality provided prior to the date the municipality transitioned under the Blue Box Regulation (i.e., print or electronic or both), RPRA will consider this as having satisfied the requirement in section 72(1) paragraph 2. The materials must be provided in both English and French.

Can my collection site be open seasonally?

Battery, electronics, lighting and tire collection sites must be operated during regular business hours throughout the calendar year.

Household hazardous waste collection sites may open seasonally. The Where to Recycle map should reflect the time of the year when the collection site operates.

How can I update my collection site type (e.g. depot, retail)?

To update the type of collection site, submit a request through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form by providing the correct collection site type.

If the request is for multiple locations, contact the Compliance Team at with the following information:

  • the issue,
  • name and address for each collection site, and
  • your contact information.

How can I remove a duplicate collection site on the Where to Recycle map?

To delete a duplicate collection site, submit a request through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form by asking to remove the duplicate collection site.

If the request is for multiple locations, contact the Compliance Team at with the following information:

  • the issue,
  • name and address for each collection site, and
  • your contact information.

Why isn’t my collection site on the Where to Recycle map?

If your collection site isn’t part of a PRO’s collection network, it won’t appear on the map. The map populates collection sites with data entered by producers or PROs on their behalf.

If you are working with a PRO and your site is not listed on the map, contact your PRO.

If you aren’t already working with a PRO and want to add your collection site to the map, you can find a list of PROs and their contact information on the applicable program page of RPRA’s website.

How do I remove my collection site from the Where to Recycle map?

First, contact your PRO to confirm if the collection site should be considered private or if it can be removed entirely from their collection system. If they confirm it can be removed from the system, ask them to deactivate it so it no longer appears on the map.

If you aren’t working with a PRO, request to remove your collection site through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form asking to remove the collection site.

How do I update the materials collected at my site on the Where to Recycle map?

Wrong materials showing

If your site doesn’t collect the material(s) listed on the map, you can submit a request to change it through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form by providing which materials should be removed.

Materials not showing

If you collect more materials than what is listed on the map, contact your PRO and they’ll update your collection site information.

If you aren’t already working with a PRO for a specific material and want to add a material to your collection site, you can find a list of PROs and contact information on the applicable program page of RPRA’s website.

How do I update my collection site website on the Where to Recycle map?

Websites are taken from Google Maps. If the information on Google Maps is incorrect, update your Google account information by following these steps. Note: there may be a delay between the time you update your information in Google and it showing on RPRA’s map.

If the information on Google Maps is correct and not showing on the Where to Recycle map, request to change it through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form by providing the correct website link.

How do I update my collection site phone number on the Where to Recycle map?

Phone numbers are taken from Google Maps. If the information on Google Maps is incorrect, update your Google account information by following these steps. Note: there may be a delay between the time you update your information in Google and it showing on RPRA’s map.

If the information on Google Maps is correct and not showing on the Where to Recycle map, request to change it through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form by providing the correct phone number.

How do I update my collection site business hours on the Where to Recycle map?

Business hours are taken from Google Maps. If the information on Google Maps is incorrect, update your Google account information by following these steps. Note: there may be a delay between the time you update your information in Google and it showing on RPRA’s map.

If the information on Google Maps is correct and not showing on the Where to Recycle map, request to change it through the map directly by:

  • looking up the location,
  • clicking the location,
  • clicking the ‘Report an issue for this location’ link, and
  • filling out the form by providing the correct business hours.