Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
A supplemental collection system is one of three types of collection and management systems that producers can choose to establish or participate in to contribute to their collection, management, and promotion and education requirements under the Blue Box Regulation.
Supplemental collection systems are not required to service all eligible communities south of Ontario’s Far North. Therefore, a producer participating in this type of system is still required to participate in the common collection system to meet their obligation to collect and manage Blue Box materials from all eligible communities, and to provide a promotion and education program.
One or more producers or PROs can establish a supplemental collection system. If a producer or PRO wishes to use a supplemental collection system’s collected materials towards producer minimum management requirements, that system should register with RPRA.
For more information on supplemental collection system registration criteria, please reach out to registry@rpra.ca.
Also see: ‘What is the Blue Box common collection system?’, ‘What is a Blue Box alternative collection system?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
The common collection system is the Blue Box material collection and management system established by PROs on behalf of producers. Blue Box materials that are picked up through curbside residential collection, for instance, are processed through the common collection system. The system came into effect on July 1, 2023, as outlined in the Blue Box Regulation. The common collection system services all eligible communities south of Ontario’s Far North.
It is one of three types of collection and management systems that producers can choose to use to meet their minimum management requirements. Producers who use the common collection system to meet their obligations will contract with a PRO that is participating in the common collection system.
A high-level overview of the common collection system was provided by PROs Circular Materials and Ryse Solutions Ontario in 2022 in their Initial Blue Box Report.
Also see: ‘What is a Blue Box Alternative collection system?’, ‘What is a Blue Box supplemental collection system?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
An alternative collection system is one of three types of collection and management systems for Blue Box materials. Producers can choose to establish or participate in an alternative collection system to meet their collection, management, and promotion and education requirements under the Blue Box Regulation.
An alternative collection system can be established by one or more producers or PROs. The system must demonstrate that it can meet all system regulatory requirements as well as the minimum management requirements for participating producer(s). A producer can choose to meet their obligations using an alternative collection system instead of participating in the common collection system.
Types of alternative collection systems may vary and can include depot or return-by-mail systems. Alternative collection systems must service all eligible communities south of Ontario’s Far North.
For more information on alternative collection system registration criteria, please reach out to registry@rpra.ca.
Also see: ‘What is the Blue Box common collection system?’, ‘What is a Blue Box supplemental collection system?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems , First Nation communities
Under the Blue Box Regulation which came into effect on July 1, 2023, eligible locations for collection in a First Nation community include:
- Private residences
- Public and private schools
- Elders’ lodges (or retirement homes)
- Not-for-profit long-term care facilities
Locations that are not eligible for Blue Box collection or funding under this program include:
- Commercial properties
- Band owned and operated facilities such as daycares or community, wellness, cultural and language centres.
- Note: Although costs of collection from these properties are not covered under the Blue Box system, First Nations can apply for Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) funding to support these costs. Please speak to your region’s ISC officer for more information on how to apply.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems , First Nation communities , Municipalities
Under the Blue Box Regulation which came into effect on July 1, 2023, eligible locations for collection within the producer-run program include:
- Private residences
- Public and private schools
- Elders’ lodges
- Not-for-profit retirement homes
- Not-for-profit long-term care facilities
Note: Commercial properties are not eligible for collection under the producer-run Blue Box program.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
Under the WDTA Blue Box program, municipalities could choose to accept these materials in their programs. This choice varied between municipalities.
Under the producer-run Blue Box program, none of these materials are considered obligated Blue Box materials. The Blue Box Regulation specifically states that hard or soft cover books or products made from flexible plastic that is ordinarily used for the containment, protection and or handling of food, such as cling wrap, sandwich bags or freezer bags are not Blue Box materials. Pots and pans do not meet the definition of Blue Box material under the Regulation.
Producers are not obligated to collect or manage the recovery of these materials.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
Under the WDTA Blue Box program, some municipalities may have chosen to provide Blue Box collection to facilities that were not residences, such as commercial properties, municipally owned and operated buildings or other institutions.
Under the Blue Box Regulation, only certain types of facilities can receive collection under the producer-run Blue Box program. These facilities are:
- Multi-residential facilities with six or more dwelling units
- Retirement homes that are operated by a municipality or an entity that does not operate with the purpose of generating a profit or were included in the WDTA Blue Box program on August 15, 2019. “Retirement home” has the same meaning as in the Retirement Homes Act, 2010.
- Long-term care homes that are non-profit long-term care homes or were included in the WDTA Blue Box program on August 15, 2019. “Long-term care home” has the same meaning as in the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. “Non-profit long-term care home” has the same meaning as the regulations under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021.
- Buildings that contain public or private elementary or secondary schools. “School” and “private school” have the same meaning as in the Education Act.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
Blue Box materials (i.e., products and packaging made of metal, glass, paper, flexible plastic, rigid plastic, and beverage containers) are typically collected directly from residences through the provincial Blue Box Program. RPRA’s Where to Recycle map displays public locations for recycling materials that don’t belong in your Blue Box (e.g., batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste, lighting and tires).
For more information on recycling Blue Box materials, visit Circular Materials’ website. Circular Materials is the administrator of Ontario’s Blue Box collection system.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems , Producer
Yes, a Blue Box producer or PRO (producer responsibility organization) on behalf of a producer, or a service provider on behalf of either party, can voluntarily choose to collect Blue Box materials that are not marketed to consumers.
Blue Box materials not marketed to consumers cannot be counted towards meeting a producer’s collection or management requirements under the Blue Box Regulation.
If Blue Box materials that are marketed to consumers are co-collected with Blue Box materials not marketed to consumers, a person must use a methodology or process acceptable to the Authority to account for materials supplied to a consumer or not. Anyone considering this can contact the Compliance Team to discuss at registry@rpra.ca or 833-600-0530.
For example, if Blue Box materials supplied to a consumer in Ontario are collected along the same collection route as Blue Box materials that were not supplied to a consumer, they must be accounted for separately. When those materials are then sent to a processor, they must also be accounted for separately.
See the FAQ: Who is a consumer under the Blue Box Regulation?
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems , Producer
Yes, a Blue Box producer, or PRO (producer responsibility organization) on behalf of a producer, or a service provider on behalf of either party, can choose to offer collection services to any location. Blue Box producers are required to provide collection services to all eligible sources, as well as public spaces.
Blue Box materials collected from locations that are not eligible sources cannot count towards meeting a producer’s management requirement unless they were supplied to a consumer in Ontario. See this FAQ: Who is a consumer under the Blue Box Regulation?
If a person is co-collecting from locations that are eligible sources and not eligible sources, a person must use a methodology or process acceptable to the Authority to account for materials collected from each type of source. Anyone considering this can contact the Compliance Team to discuss at registry@rpra.ca or 833-600-0530.
For example, if materials are collected from an eligible source and a location that is not an eligible source along the same collection route, they must be accounted for separately. When those materials are then sent to a processor, they must also be accounted for separately.