Tire Producers

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A person or business is considered a producer under the Tires Regulation if they:

  • are the brand holder of the tire and have residency in Canada
  • have residency in Ontario, import tires from outside of Ontario, and sell them in Ontario
  • have residency in Ontario and market directly to consumers in Ontario (e.g., online sales)
  • do not have residency in Ontario and market directly to consumers in Ontario (e.g. online sales)
  • are the vehicle manufacturer and have residency in Canada
  • import new vehicles into Ontario and sell them in Ontario

Producer obligations

Click below to learn more about your obligations as a producer.

Under the Tires Regulation, tire producers are required to register with RPRA within 30 days of:

  • selling new tires, or
  • selling a vehicle on which new tires are provided

Small producers with a collection requirement under 1000 kg are exempt from registering and reporting with RPRA. Producers who meet this exemption are required to retain records for five years. Learn how to determine if you are an exempt tire producer.

Have questions about registration? View the resources below:


Supply Data Report

Each year, producers are required to report new tire supply data from two years prior. This is used to establish your used tire collection target for the following year. For example, in 2022 you are required to submit your 2020 supply data, which will be used to set your target for 2023. Supply data must be submitted in accordance with the Registry Procedure – Tire Supply Audit.

Deadline: Tire supply reporting is due May 31 each year.

Learn more about annual reporting requirements.

Starting in 2021, producers who meet the definition of a large or medium producer must submit supply data as outlined in Appendix A of the Registry Procedure – Tire Supply Audit.

Performance Report

Producers with collection and management requirements are required to ensure that at least 85% of the tires they collected, or were collected on their behalf, are processed, retreaded or reused. Each year, you, or the PRO you have contracted to organize collection, processing or retreading activities on your behalf, will have to report on the extent to which you were able to achieve that target.

Note: Your PRO cannot report new tire supply data on your behalf – you will have to do this yourself each year.

You, or your PRO on your behalf, are required to report the following information annually:

  • number and calculated weight of tires used and collected in Ontario
  • number and calculated weight of tires sent for reuse on a vehicle
  • number and calculated weight of tires sent for reuse for a new purpose
  • number and calculated weight of tires retreaded
  • actual weight of processed tire materials, by material type
  • date and location of collection events held
  • your tire collection system
  • your tire management system

Most producers will work with a PRO to meet their mandatory collection and management requirements. If you have not yet contracted with a PRO, it is important that you do so as soon as possible to ensure that you can meet your obligations. Learn more about PROs.

Although your PRO will be submitting the report on your behalf, as a producer you are legally responsible to meet your requirements under the Tires Regulation.

Deadline: Tire performance reporting is due May 31 of each year.

Learn more about annual reporting requirements.

Starting in 2024, and every three years thereafter (2027, 2030, 2033, etc.), producers, or PROs reporting on their behalf, are required to submit a report auditing their performance from the three previous years. The audit report should be uploaded to the Registry when submitting your annual performance report. The data provided in the annual performance report is based on the performance activity for the previous calendar year, but the audit report must include audited data from three previous years.

For example:

A tire producer or PRO on their behalf who submits an annual performance report in 2024 will report on their performance activity for 2023. The audit report they submit with the annual performance report in 2024, must include audited data from 2021, 2022 and 2023.

More information about tire audit requirements can be found in Appendix B of the Registry Procedure – Audit.

Regulatory deadline for Tire Performance Audit Reporting: October 31, 2024.

Visible Resource Recovery Fee Verification Report

As of March 2023, promotion and education requirements for visible fees have been removed from the Tires Regulation. Businesses will continue to have discretion over whether they charge a fee to recover the cost of recycling their products. However, with this amendment, if they charge a fee, they are no longer required to provide information about who is charging the visible fee and what it will be used for.

Therefore, the Visible Resource Recovery Fee Verification Report is no longer applicable, and RPRA has revoked the compliance bulletin Charging Fees to Consumers and the Visible Resource Recovery Fee Verification Procedure. Learn more.

The Tires Regulation outlines three targets that producers must meet:


This target relates to a producer’s requirement to establish and operate tire collection sites. Learn more about the accessibility target.


This target relates to a producer’s requirement to collect a minimum weight of used tires in a calendar year. Learn more about the collection target.

Resource recovery

This target relates to a producer’s requirement to reuse, retread or turn used tires into processed materials. Learn more about the resource recovery target.

Most producers will work with a PRO to help them meet these targets. Learn more about PROs.

If you are a large producer who wants to manage your own collection network, contact us for more information.

Important Upcoming Dates

Producers who are obligated and have not registeredRegister with the Authority unless exemptWithin 30 days of marketing tires or a vehicle on which new tires are provided
ProducersSubmit supply data report based on 2022 dataMay 31, 2024
Producers with performance requirements, or a PRO on their behalfSubmit a performance report based on 2023 dataMay 31, 2024
Producers with performance requirements, or a PRO on their behalfSubmit a tire performance audit report based on data from 2023, 2022 and 2021October 31, 2024
Unless otherwise stated, all information must be submitted through RPRA’s Registry.

Information for former OTS stewards

The Used Tires Program operated by Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) ended on December 31, 2018.