Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ filtered results:
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
More information about the program and the associated regulations is available through the following resources:
- The ministry’s Hazardous Waste Management webpage: https://www.ontario.ca/page/hazardous-waste-management-business-and-industry
- The revised Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste.
- Regulation 347: General – Waste Management under the Environmental Protection Act: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900347
- Ontario Regulation 323/22: Subject Waste Program under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r22323
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
The amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management requires the regulated community to report through the new electronic Hazardous Waste Program Registry, starting January 1, 2023.
In exceptional circumstances, if a person believes that submitting a document electronically through the new Registry will result in undue hardship, a request may be submitted to the Ministry for a time-limited approval to submit a paper submission instead. This is outlined in section 27.1 (1) of Regulation 347 that will take effect January 1, 2023, and more information will be made available by the Ministry in the future.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Generator , Registry
All information required to be reported under the Hazardous Waste Program and Regulation 347: General – Waste Management will need to be submitted through the new Hazardous Waste Program Registry starting January 1, 2023.
However, the amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management makes clear that a generator can delegate reporting activities to a service provider, so service providers can submit the required information to the Registry and pay fees on behalf of the generator.
See FAQ: Where can I find information about the Hazardous Waste Program and associated regulations
See FAQ: what is delegation?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registration , Registry
Annual registration will no longer be required. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks removed the annual registration renewal requirement (currently between January 1 and February 15), as per the amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management. Starting January 1, 2023, registration information will be collected from generators at the time the business has a waste management activity to report in the new Registry, or where a waste generator’s facility-related information is inaccurate or has become outdated.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
There are several places where you can find more information on the HWP Registry:
- Visit our Hazardous Waste Program Registry webpage: https://rpra.ca/programs/hwp/.
- Read our HWP Registry-related news articles: https://rpra.ca/category/hazardous-waste/.
- Review materials from our learning sessions: https://rpra.ca/learn/hazardous-waste-program-registry/.
- Sign up for regular email updates: https://cloud.info.rpra.ca/SignUpPage.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is responsible for overseeing the Hazardous Waste Program and conducting compliance and enforcement activities. The program is set out under Regulation 347: General – Waste Management under the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Regulation 323/22: Subject Waste Program under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act.
Questions related to the regulations should be directed to the ministry at HazardousWasteProgram@ontario.ca
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Excess Soil , Hazardous and Special Products , Hazardous Waste , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
When paying fees to RPRA, you can select from one of the following payment methods:
- Bank withdrawal (pre-authorized debit)
- Credit card
- Electronic data interchange (EDI; also commonly known as ACH or EFT)
- Electronic bill payment
- Cheque
For instructions on how to submit payment by the method you chose, read one of the following FAQs:
- How do I pay my fees to RPRA by credit card?
- How do I pay my fees to RPRA by bank withdrawal (pre-authorized debit)?
- How do I pay my fees to RPRA by electronic bill?
- How do I pay my fees to RPRA by cheque?
- How do I pay my fees to RPRA by electronic data interchange (EDI)?
To note, Registry invoices are considered due on receipt. Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.