Topic: Registry

What is the difference between an account admin, a primary and a secondary user in the Registry portal?

Account admins have access to all information within a registrant’s account. They can create and assign primary and secondary users’ access to the account, edit and submit reports, and pay fees. They are the only ones who can manage PROs.  Account admins can view all activities users undertake. They will also be the recipient of emails from the Registry portal.

Primary users can only assign secondary users’ access to the account, edit and submit reports and pay fees.

Secondary users can only edit and submit reports and pay fees.

Why can’t I see the Manage PRO widget to add my PRO choice?

The Manage PRO option will appear on the dashboard below your list of supply data reports when your supply data reporting is complete and if you have management requirements. If your supply data reporting is below the supply exemption threshold you will not have management requirements, and therefore not need to assign a PRO to assist with your obligations.

Also note that Account Admin are the only portal users that can manage your PRO’s responsibility, so this widget is not viewable to primary and secondary users.

Will service providers have the capability to pre-fill the electronic manifests as they do now for the hard copy forms? 

The new HWP Registry has been built to allow draft manifests to be easily created in the new system. Facility and waste stream information can be automatically applied to the manifest through easy lookups and tables, using a web browser or the mobile app. Additionally, manifests can be ‘copied’ for reuse when the same or similar shipments happen more than once.

See below materials showing how to initiate manifests.

See here for manifesting a shipment as a receiver

If you deal with a high volume of manifests, you may wish to make use of the Registry’s external API that allows for automatic integration between external systems and the Registry. Contact for more information.

What is the difference between account admin, primary, secondary, driver and manifest-only users in the Hazardous Waste Program Registry? 

Each registry account has one account administrator, who is responsible for enrolling the company in programs (e.g., HWP, batteries, etc.) and adding/removing additional account users.   

There is one primary user for each program enrolment. In HWP, the primary user can add/remove users to the HWP program, add program roles (such as generator, carrier or receiver) and is the point of contact to receive email notifications (such as when a new invoice is available).   

Secondary users in the HWP can create and edit generator facilities and waste information (generator/AGD roles only); add ECA information and edit contact information (carrier/receiver roles only); create, edit and sign manifests.   

Driver users are specific to the carrier role in the HWP program. Drivers can create, edit and sign manifests but cannot add ECA information. 

Manifest-only users, like the driver user role, have a reduced level of access limited to viewing, creating, editing and signing manifests. They cannot view, edit, or manage facilities, or view information related to fees.  

Account admins can manage password resets for all active users in the account. Primary users are also able to manage password resets, but only for active users within the programs they are the primary user for. If secondary users, drivers or manifest-only users require a password reset, they can reach out to the account admin or primary user to do so. 

User Management

FunctionalitiesAdminPrimarySecondary Driver*Manifest-only
Add/remove users across programs
Reset passwords for all users across programs
Add / remove users to same program
Reset passwords for active users within the same program
Receive invoice notifications
Create / manage facilities
Create / manage wastes
View / create / edit and sign manifests
*Available only to accounts where the carrier role is selected. Drivers will only be able to view and action manifests where the company is listed as the carrier

Are beverage containers eligible for a producer’s allowable deductions for Blue Box materials that are deposited into a receptacle at a location that is a) not an eligible source, and b) where the product related to the Blue Box material was supplied and used or consumed?

No, beverage containers are not eligible for this deduction.

The allowable deduction is permitted for Blue Box materials that are deposited into a “non-eligible source,” meaning a place where consumers dispose of Blue Box materials that are not included in the producer-run collection system.

Under the Blue Box Regulation, beverage containers that are supplied to Ontario consumers for personal, family, household or business purposes are obligated Blue Box materials. The inclusion of “business purposes” is unique to the beverage container material category.

Because supplying a beverage container can mean either supplying for “personal, family and/or household purposes” that will likely be consumed and disposed of in a residential context (e.g., a home, apartment, long-term care facility, etc.) or supplying for “business purposes” that will likely be consumed and disposed of in a commercial or institutional context (e.g., a restaurant, college or gym), there are no “non-eligible sources” for beverage containers. All beverage containers must be reported and collected from all sources, whether they are residential, business, commercial or institutional.

See our FAQ to understand “What deductions are available to producers under the Blue Box Regulation?

Can we set up separate invoices for each facility within one account? 

The HWP Registry is unable to issue separate invoices for different facilities managed under one account.

Monthly invoices will include the applicable fees for manifests completed during the previous month and will break fees down by facility. If a user is looking for more details about facility-specific activities, they can find that information in the registry.


See FAQ: What information is included on an invoice for HWP Registry fees? 
See FAQ: Can I submit a partial payment for only the facilities I manage?


What information is included on an invoice for HWP Registry fees?  

See sample invoices here. The three examples included in the PDF are:

  • Manifest Invoice – Generator Variant (aggregates fees for multiple manifests over a month; includes a facility-level breakdown) 
  • Manifest Invoice – AGD Variant (aggregates fees for multiple manifests over a month; includes a company- and facility-level breakdown) 
  • On-site Waste Activity Invoice (fees for a single On-site waste activity) 

Manifest invoices will be issued on the first day of each month and will include all manifests completed in the previous month, For example, an invoice issued on February 1 will include completed manifests from January 1 to January 31.  

The primary user of the account will receive an email notification when a manifest invoice is issued. Any primary or secondary user on the account can access and pay an invoice from the Registry homepage.  

While the manifest invoice provides a total fee for each facility, users can see the fee per individual manifest from the Invoices tab in their Registry Account.

The easiest way to find individual manifest fees is directly in the Invoices tab under Manifests with Fees. Users can find individual manifest fees under the Manifests tab, but they’ll have to navigate to the “Closed Manifests” section and then search for and open the manifest itself.

On-site waste activity invoices will be issued when the Registry user completes an on-site waste activity report and submits their payment information.  

See FAQ: What payment methods are available?

Where can I find additional information about the HWP Registry? 

There are several places where you can find more information on the HWP Registry: 

  1. Visit our Hazardous Waste Program Registry webpage:
  2. Check out our training materials:
  3. Read our HWP Registry-related news articles:
  4. Review materials from our learning sessions:
  5. Sign up for regular email updates:

How do I pay my fees to RPRA by electronic data interchange (EDI)?

If you select electronic data interchange (EDI) as your method of payment, this is an electronic payment through your bank, also commonly known as EFT or ACH.

Follow these steps to complete your payment:

  1. Submit your payment using RPRA’s banking information provided on your invoice.
  2. Be sure to reference your Invoice Number when you submit this payment to your bank so that we will be able to identify your payment.

Please note:

  • Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
  • Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
  • It may take 1-2 weeks for your payment to be reflected in your Registry account once you have completed it.

If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.

How do I pay my fees to RPRA by cheque?

If you select cheque as your method of payment, follow these steps to complete your payment:

  1. Make your cheque payable to “Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority”
  2. Enter your Invoice Number on the memo line of the cheque
  3. Please send your cheque to*:
    • Resource Productivity Recovery Authority
    • PO Box 46114, STN A
    • Toronto, ON
    • M5W 4K9

*As of January 20, 2023, the address for mailing cheques to RPRA has been revised. Please update your records and send cheques to the above address going forward.

Please note:

  • Registry invoices are considered due on receipt.
  • Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.
  • It may take 2-4 weeks for your payment to be reflected in your Registry account once you have mailed your cheque due to mail and cheque processing times.

If you have questions relating to fee payment, contact our Compliance and Registry Team at or call 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.