Topic: Registry

Where can I find information about the Hazardous Waste Program and associated regulations?

More information about the program and the associated regulations is available through the following resources:

Can I continue to submit paper reports, including paper manifests, on January 1, 2023? 

The amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management requires the regulated community to report through the new electronic Hazardous Waste Program Registry, starting January 1, 2023.

In exceptional circumstances, if a person believes that submitting a document electronically through the new Registry will result in undue hardship, a request may be submitted to the Ministry for a time-limited approval to submit a paper submission instead. This is outlined in section 27.1 (1) of Regulation 347 that will take effect January 1, 2023, and more information will be made available by the Ministry in the future.

Will all generators be required to use the new Registry?

All information required to be reported under the Hazardous Waste Program and Regulation 347: General – Waste Management will need to be submitted through the new Hazardous Waste Program Registry starting January 1, 2023.

However, the amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management makes clear that a generator can delegate reporting activities to a service provider, so service providers can submit the required information to the Registry and pay fees on behalf of the generator.

See FAQ: Where can I find information about the Hazardous Waste Program and associated regulations

See FAQ: what is delegation?

Will I still have to register annually in the new HWP Registry?

Annual registration will no longer be required. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks removed the annual registration renewal requirement (currently between January 1 and February 15), as per the amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management. Starting January 1, 2023, registration information will be collected from generators at the time the business has a waste management activity to report in the new Registry, or where a waste generator’s facility-related information is inaccurate or has become outdated.

Where can I find additional information about the HWP Registry? 

There are several places where you can find more information on the HWP Registry: 

  1. Visit our Hazardous Waste Program Registry webpage:
  2. Read our HWP Registry-related news articles:
  3. Review materials from our learning sessions:
  4. Sign up for regular email updates:

If I filed a notice in the Excess Soil Registry and paid fees to RPRA before the temporary suspension of requirements under the Excess Soil Regulation (i.e. prior to April 21, 2022), can I withdraw my notice and receive a refund?

No, users that filed notices in the Excess Soil Registry and paid the associated Registry fees before the temporary suspension came into effect on April 21, 2022, were complying with the necessary requirements of the regulation. Notices filed before the pause will continue to be recognized after January 1, 2023. No refunds will be issued.

What do I do if I misreported my supply data?

If a producer misreports their supply data to RPRA, they must contact the Compliance and Registry Team immediately by emailing Please include the following information in the email:

  • The rationale for the change in the data
  • Any data that supports the need for a correction (e.g., sales documents, audit)
  • Any other information to support the change

While it is an offence to submit false or misleading information under the RRCEA, RPRA wants this corrected as quickly to ensure a producer’s minimum management requirement is calculated using accurate supply data.

RPRA can only receive these requests from the primary contact on the company’s Registry account. Your request for an adjustment will be reviewed by a Compliance and Registry Officer.

What is the Excess Soil Registry?

The Excess Soil Registry is a record of Excess Soil generation and movement established and maintained by the Authority to:

  • enable regulated persons to comply with registration and notice filing requirements outlined in the regulation;
  • enable the ministry access to notice filings and associated data; and
  • enable public access to the information contained in notice filings.

Project Leaders, Reuse Site Owners or Operators, and Residential Development Soil Depot Operators, as defined in the Excess Soil Regulation, are required to ensure notices are filed to the Excess Soil Registry for certain Project Areas (where Excess Soil is generated), Reuse Sites (where Excess Soil is deposited), and Residential Development Soil Depot sites (where Excess Soil is temporarily placed).