Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Compliance and Enforcement
Registrants may appeal an Administrative Penalty Order issued to them to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). The registrant must serve written notice of their intention to appeal to the OLT and to the Registrar or a Deputy Registrar within 15 days of being served the order. The order will be temporarily stayed (put on hold) until a decision is rendered by the tribunal. The notice must include:
- The parts of the order that the appeal pertains to; and
- The grounds on which the person appealing the order intends to rely at the hearing.
The OLT will hold a hearing, and the OLT may confirm, vary, or revoke the order. The OLT cannot vary the amount of the penalty unless it considers the amount to be unreasonable.
After a matter is decided by the OLT, the registrant or RPRA may appeal the OLT’s decision to the Divisional Court, but only on a question of law and with leave (permission) of the Divisional Court. If a party obtains leave, the appeal of the OLT decision will be heard by the Divisional Court. This process is governed by the Rules of Civil Procedure. The OLT’s decision is not automatically stayed by an appeal to the Divisional Court, but a stay may be granted by the OLT or the Court.
See RPRA’s Administrative Penalties Guideline for further information.
Note: This FAQ is for general information only and should not be considered legal advice. Please review the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 and associated regulations for details.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Compliance and Enforcement
Registrants may request that a Deputy Registrar review a Compliance Order issued to them by an inspector. The request must be made, in writing, by the registrant to a Deputy Registrar within seven days of being served with the order. The request must include:
- The parts of the order that the request for review pertains to;
- Any submissions the person requesting the review wants considered; and
- An address (physical or electronic) where the person can be served with the Deputy Registrar’s decision.
A Deputy Registrar will then review the order and can revoke, confirm, or amend the inspector’s order.
Deputy Registrars must either issue their decision or provide notice that more time is needed within seven days of receiving the request. If a Deputy Registrar provides notice that more time is needed, they must stay (put on hold) the order while it is under review, and the Deputy Registrar must issue their decision within 90 days.
If a Deputy Registrar does not issue a decision or provide notice that more time is needed within seven days of receiving the request for review, the order will remain as originally issued.
Note: This FAQ is for general information only and should not be considered legal advice. Please review the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 and associated regulations for details.
See the FAQ: ‘Can I appeal a Compliance Order issued to me?’ for information on appealing a compliance order.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
No. Recycling drop-off locations displayed on the map cannot:
- charge the public a fee to drop off materials that the location accepts.
- refuse the drop-off of materials displayed on the map.
If you are charged a fee or refused drop off, you can report an issue about that specific location to RPRA (see our other FAQ for further instructions).
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
RPRA’s Where to Recycle map displays locations across Ontario where the public can drop off used materials to be recycled, such as batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste (e.g., paint, antifreeze, pesticides), lighting and tires, for free. Materials collected at these locations are reused, refurbished, recycled, or properly disposed of to help keep them out of landfill, recover valuable resources and protect our environment. Learn more here.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
If you experience an issue when dropping off your recyclables at a location displayed on the map, click the ‘Report an Issue’ link on that specific location. This link will open a form for you to fill out about the issue. RPRA’s Compliance Team will review the issue reported and take action, as necessary.
You may report an issue to RPRA because the recycling location: - Charges you a fee to drop off materials accepted for recycling.
- Refuses to accept your materials for recycling (only applicable if your materials are in line with the examples provided on the map).
- Displayed on the map does not actually exist.
- Is not open to the public or does not accept the materials during its business hours.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
The Where to Recycle map displays locations that the public can drop off used materials to be recycled, such as batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste (e.g., paint, antifreeze, pesticides), lighting and tires, for free. For specific examples of materials accepted and important information to know before dropping off materials, visit the Where to Recycle map.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
Typically, only municipal depots may require valid IDs when dropping off materials to recycle to confirm you live in that municipality. It is recommended to bring your ID with you to any location, just in case.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
If the map is not showing any recycling locations near you, you can:
- Try expanding your search by increasing the distance you’re willing to travel or modifying other filters.
- If there still isn’t a recycling location near you, contact the waste management department at your municipality for proper disposal instructions.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
The recycling locations that appear on the map are reported to RPRA by businesses that run the recycling systems in Ontario.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Where to Recycle map
The recycling locations that appear on the map are reported to RPRA by PROs (or producers managing their own collection networks) as the administrators of the collection systems. The public collection activities that PROs report in their registry account are uploaded to the map in near real-time.