Collectors will have to independently enter into commercial agreements with producers, producer responsibility organizations (PROs) or other service providers such as haulers or processors to secure tire collection services. Collectors could also continue to operate within their existing agreements with service providers such as haulers or processors. As long as a collector’s site is part of a producer’s tire collection system, the producer, or their PRO, is obligated to ensure tires are picked up from that site.
Since producers now have legal obligations under the Tires Regulation, producers, or their PROs, will need your tires to meet their management requirements , but you must be registered with RPRA for your tires to count towards producers’ collection and management requirements (unless you are exempt from the registration requirement, for example, municipal sites, Crown sites and fleet operator sites).
A list of registered PROs and producers is available on RPRA’s website on the Find a Registrant page.