Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: TiresTopic: Collection systems , Collector , Municipalities
Yes. However, the collection site may only allow up to 10 tires from a person in a single day to be dropped off. If the site is willing to accept more than 10 tires at a time, the site operator is required to record the municipality’s name, contact information, and the number of tires being dropped off. If a municipality chooses not to operate any tire collection sites, residents can be directed to a registered collector.
Contact RPRA’s Compliance Team at registry@rpra.ca, 647-496-0530 or toll free at 1-833-600-0530 if you or your residents have any issues dropping off less than 10 tires to a registered collector’s site.
Program: Batteries , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , TiresTopic: Collection systems , First Nation communities , Municipalities
No. Section 68 subsection (3) of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act states that “a person responsible for establishing and operating a collection system shall ensure that no charge is imposed at the time of the collection.”
Program: TiresTopic: Collector , Municipalities , Registration
You are a tire collector if you operate a tire collection site where more than 1000 kgs of tires are collected in a year. A tire collection site is a location where used tires are collected, including:
- Repair shops, garages and vehicle dealerships (where used tires are collected as part of changing tires for customers)
- Auto salvage and recycling sites
- Any other site where end-of-life vehicles with tires are managed
You are not a tire collector if you operate a tire collection site where you:
- Also retread tires or process tires (you would be a tire retreader or a tire processor for those sites); or
- Only collect tires from the on-site servicing of vehicles that you own or operate (such as a site where you service your rental car fleet)
Municipalities can choose to operate collection sites, but they are exempt from registering with RPRA. For more information about municipal sites see: How does the Tires Regulation affect municipalities and First Nations?
Program: TiresTopic: Collection systems , Municipalities
There is no requirement for a municipality to establish a tire collection site. Furthermore, municipalities that collect used tires are exempt from the requirement to register with RPRA as a collector or submit reports.
Although municipalities are not required to register as collectors, used tires from these sites can be used by producers to meet their collection requirements, provided they are picked up by a registered hauler and delivered to a registered processor or retreader.
To ensure tires continue to be picked up, municipalities will need to make sure those sites are included in the collection systems established by tire producers or Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs). Since most producers will work with PROs to establish their collection systems, municipalities should contact a registered PRO. Visit our webpage about PROs for more information.
If you operate collection sites after December 31, 2018 the sites must accept, at a minimum:
- Passenger and light truck tires
- Up to 10 passenger and light truck tires per day from any person
- Tires on rims.
- The site must also be operated and accept tires during normal business hours (i.e., during the hours your site is open to residents).
If you choose not to operate a tire collection site, you can redirect residents to a registered collection site. A full list of registered collection sites is available on RPRA’s website.
Note that a municipality that hauls tires is required to register as a hauler. Should a municipality take the tires to a registered collection site, this does not mean they become a hauler. A hauler must be taking tires to a site for processing, reuse, retreading or disposal.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collection systems , Collector , First Nation communities , Hauler , Management activities , Municipalities , PRO , Processor , Producer , Retreader
Here are the lists of registered PROs:
Hazardous and Special Products PROs
These lists will continue to be updated as new PROs register with RPRA.